Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Penne Vodka Recipe - by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Ep 101

Penne with Sauteed Zuchini and Cherry Tomatoes - Recipe by Laura Vitale ...

Pesto from Scratch - Recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episo...

Linguine with Pesto Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode...

Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken - Recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the ...

Mac and Cheese - recipe Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 209

Caramel Apple Pie - Recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episod...

Chicken Saltimbocca - Recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Epis...

White Risotto - recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 200

Homemade Rice Balls ( Arancini ) Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Ki...

Homemade Rice Balls ( Arancini ) Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Ki...

Eggs in Purgatory Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 526

Chicken Parm Sandwich Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episo...

Nutella Souffle Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 535

Braided Nutella Bread Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episo...

Black Forest Cake Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 841

Hasselback Potatoes Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode...























































































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Salsabil Syahdila: Perbedaan Internet & Intranet

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Salsabil Syahdila: Internet

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Salsabil Syahdila: LAN

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Salsabil Syahdila: MAN

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Salsabil Syahdila: MAN

Salsabil Syahdila: MAN: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) pada dasarnya merupakan versi LAN yang berukuran lebih besar dan biasanya memakai teknologi yang sama den...

Salsabil Syahdila: WAN

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Salsabil Syahdila: Lembar Pertama : 16 Hari Setelah Kepergianmu

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Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014


saya akan memberi tahu apa saja buah-buahan yang bisa dijadikan masker.Berikut ini adalah macam-macam buah yang dapat dibuat masker wajah, diantaranya adalah :

1. Strawberry
Strawberry mengandung asam salisilat (salah satu jenis asam beta-hidroksi yang membantu mengencangkan kulit), silika, serta banyak mengandung vitamin B, C, E dan K. Dengan kemampuannya menyehatkan dan meremajakan kulit. Masker dari buah strawberry ini hampir semua jenis kulit. Cara meramu dan membuatnya :
- Haluskan beberapa buah strawberry
- Usapkan 2 sendok makan buah strawberry yang sudah dihaluskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit.
- Setelah itu, bilas dengan air steril atau air hangat biasa
- Untuk mendapatkan efek toning yang lebih kuat, tambahkan sedikit putih telur, kocok, satu sendok makan air mawar dan beberapa tetes minyak esensial yang aman dengan kulit wajah.

Buah alpukat merupakan buah yang kaya akan manfaat dan kandungan yang terkandung di dalamnya yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan dan melembabkan serta memberi nutrisi penting bagi kulit, serta mencegah penuaan dini pada kulit wajah. Buah alpukat kaya akan asam amoni dan vitamin A dan E.
Cara membuat ramuan buah alpukat sebagai masker wajah :
a. Untuk perawatan kulit wajah yang kering :
- Masak buah alpukat, kemudian tumbuk halus daging buah alpukat tersebut
- Kemudian balurkan pada wajah selama kurang leboh 30 menit.
- Kemudian basuh kembali dengan menggunakan hangat atau air mawar

b. Untuk Kulit normal
- Tambahkan putih telur yang dikocok sebentar
- Daging alpukat yang dihaluskan
- untuk yang memiliki kulit lembab, perlu ditambahkan pula madu ( organik bila ada ), kemudian aduk rata dengan hancuran daging avokad dan putih telur kocok .

Kacang almond jga dapat membantu menghaluskan kulit yang kasar. Almond mengandung banyak mineral, vitamin A dan B, dan asam oleat. Almon djuga dapat dibuat menjadi masker wajah yang alami maupun dijadikan sebagai lotion atau campuran pelembab kulit.
Cara membuatnya :
- Siapkan 50 gr almond yang sudah dikupas bersih
- Sipakan pula 3 sendok makan susu full fat, kemudian campurkan bahan tersbut dan aduk rata tetapi jangan terlalu lama.
- Jika perlu, Anda dapat menambahkan dengan 1-2 tetes rose otto essensial oil.
- Oleskan bahan tersebut pada wajah hingga rata an tungguh hingga mengering
- Bersihkan dengan kapas atau air hangat

Buah tomat mengandung protein, fosfor, zat besi, belerang, vitamin A, B1 dan C. Buah ini juga dapat dijadikan bahan untuk membuat kulit menjadi putih atau mencerahkan warna kulit. Caranya dengan :
a. Untuk menghaluskan wajah :
- Iris beberapa buah tomat yang telah dibersihkan dan dipotong kecil-kecil, kemudian gosokkan secara perlahan pada bagian kulit wajah, atau bisa juga dengan cara yang cukup praktis dengan menghaluskan buah tomat dalam bentuk jus, atau diambil perasan air buah tomat kemudian dibalurkan pada wajah secukupnya.
b. Untuk melindungi kulit wajah dari pancaran sinar matahari langsung
- Ambil daun tomat secukupnya, lalu peras hingga keluar airnya, kemudian air perasan tersebut digunakan sebagai penyejuk wajah.

Buah anggur si kecil yang banyak memiliki kandungan senyawa alami seperti trace mineral, magnesium, potassum, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 dan C serta senyawa-senyawa turunan flavonoid. Hampir semua jenis anggur dapat digunakan sebagai lotion atau campuran bahan produk kecantikan. Lotion yang terbuat dari buah anggur dapat digunakan oleh hampir semua jenis kulit.
Cara membuatnya :
Hancurkan beberapa buah anggur untuk mendapatkan sarinya, kemudian saring jus buah anggur tadi. Lalu balurkan pada wajah dengan menggunakan kapas, tunggu kira-kira hingga 20-30 menit, kemudian bersihkan dengan menggunakan air mawar.

Jumat, 05 September 2014

Lirik lagu Brian Mcknight - Marry Your Daughter

Sri,I'm a bit nervous
about being today
still not real sure what I'm going to say
so bare with me please
if i take up to much of your time

See in this box is a ring for your oldest
she's my everything and all that I know is
it would be such relife if i knew that we
were on the same side
cause very soon I'm hoping that I....

Reff: can marry your daughter 
        and make her my wife
        I want her to be the only girl that i love
        for the rest of my life
        and give her the best of me 'til the day that i die,yeah
        I'm gonna marry your princess
        and make her my queen
        she'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
        I can't wait to smile 
        when she walks down the aisle
        on the arm of her father
        on the day that I marry your daughter

she's been here every step 
since the day that we met
(I'm scared to death to think of what 
would happen if she ever left)
so don't you ever worry about me ever
treating her bad
I've got most of my vows done so far
(so bring on the better of worse)
and 'til death to us part
there's no doubt in my mind
it's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart

*back to reff*

the first time i saw her
I swear I knew that I'd say I do

*back to reff*

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

Pengertian LAN,WAN,MAN

Local Area Network

Local Area Network biasa disingkat LAN adalah jaringan komputer yang jaringannya hanya mencakup wilayah kecil; seperti jaringan komputer kampus, gedung, kantor, dalam rumah, sekolah atau yang lebih kecil. Saat ini, kebanyakan LAN berbasis pada teknologi IEEE 802.3 Ethernet menggunakan perangkat switch, yang mempunyai kecepatan transfer data 10, 100, atau 1000 Mbit/s. Selain teknologi Ethernet, saat ini teknologi 802.11b (atau biasa disebut Wi-fi) juga sering digunakan untuk membentuk LAN. Tempat-tempat yang menyediakan koneksi LAN dengan teknologi Wi-fi biasa disebut hotspot.

Pada sebuah LAN, setiap node atau komputer mempunyai daya komputasi sendiri, berbeda dengan konsep dump terminal. Setiap komputer juga dapat mengakses sumber daya yang ada di LAN sesuai dengan hak akses yang telah diatur. Sumber daya tersebut dapat berupa data atau perangkat seperti printer. Pada LAN, seorang pengguna juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengguna yang lain dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang sesuai.

Berbeda dengan Jaringan Area Luas atau Wide Area Network (WAN), maka LAN mempunyai karakteristik sebagai berikut :

1. Mempunyai pesat data yang lebih tinggi
2. Meliputi wilayah geografi yang lebih sempit
3. Tidak membutuhkan jalur telekomunikasi yang disewa dari operator telekomunikasi

Biasanya salah satu komputer di antara jaringan komputer itu akan digunakan menjadi server yang mengatur semua sistem di dalam jaringan tersebut.


WAN adalah singkatan dari istilah teknologi informasi dalam bahasa Inggris: Wide Area Network merupakan jaringan komputer yang mencakup area yang besar sebagai contoh yaitu jaringan komputer antar wilayah, kota atau bahkan negara, atau dapat didefinisikan juga sebagai jaringan komputer yang membutuhkan router dan saluran komunikasi publik.

WAN digunakan untuk menghubungkan jaringan lokal yang satu dengan jaringan lokal yang lain, sehingga pengguna atau komputer di lokasi yang satu dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengguna dan komputer di lokasi yang lain.


Metropolitan area network atau disingkat dengan MAN. Suatu jaringan dalam suatu kota dengan transfer data berkecepatan tinggi, yang menghubungkan berbagai lokasi seperti kampus, perkantoran, pemerintahan, dan sebagainya. Jaringan MAN adalah gabungan dari beberapa LAN. Jangkauan dari MAN ini antar 10 hingga 50 km, MAN ini merupakan jaringan yang tepaMetropolitan area network atau disingkat dengan MAN. Suatu jaringan dalam suatu kota dengan transfer data berkecepatan tinggi, yang menghubungkan berbagai lokasi seperti kampus, perkantoran, pemerintahan, dan sebagainya. Jaringan MAN adalah gabungan dari beberapa LAN. Jangkauan dari MAN ini antar 10 hingga 50 km, MAN ini merupakan jaringan yang tepat untuk membangun jaringan antar kantor-kantor dalam satu kota antara pabrik/instansi dan kantor pusat yang berada dalam jangkauannya.

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014



Internet (Interconnection Networking)
Internet merupakan jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan komputer-komputer di seluruh dunia (World Wide Network) sehingga terbentuk ruang maya jaringan komputer dengan komputer lainnya yang dapat saling berhubungan atau berkomunikasi.

Sejarah Internet
Perkembangan internet diawali dengan terbentuknya jaringan komputer pertama di Amerika Serikat yang di prakasai oleh lembaga yang bernama Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). Pada saat itu ARPANET menghubungkan empat buah komputer yang masing-masing berada di Stanford Research Institute (SRI), University on California of Los Angles (UCLA), University Utah Charley Kline, dan University California Santa Barbara (UCSB). Saat itu, pengguna bandwith masih sekitar 50 KbPS yang dimiliki oleh American Telephone and Telegraph (ATT).
Kemudian pada tahun 1983, dengan ditemukannya protocol atau suatu aturan standar komunikasi baik antar komputer maupun antar jaringan komputer. Ada satu protocol yang dikembangkan oleh DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), dalam pengembangan dari ARPANET dan juga digunakan oleh jaringan komputer berbasis sistem operasi UNIX yaitu protocolTCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
Protocol TCP/IP ini menjadi standar protocol yang digunakan pada jaringan internet, karena TCP/IP dikembangkan untuk dapat diterapkan di hampir segala jenis platfrom komputer, biasa dikenal dengan konsep open system.

Perangkat untuk Mengakses Internet
            Perangkat untuk mengakses internet terbagi menjadi tiga macam yaitu perangkat keras (Hardware), perangkat lunak (software), dan saluran telepon.
1.      Perangkat Keras (Hardware)
Hardware terbagai beberapa jenis seperti PC, Laptop, Notebook, Netbook, Ipad, dll
a.       Komputer minimal menggunakan processor 80.486DX
b.      RAM (Random Access Memory) minimal 32MB
RAM digunakan untuk menyimpan data, gambar, suara atau program aplikasi yang mana sifat penyimpanannya adalah sementara.
c.       Harddisk berfungsi sebagai media penyimpanan data secara magnetik.
d.      VGA (Video Graphics Adapter) card, berfungsi untuk mengubah data yang akan ditampilkan pada monitor.
e.       Monitor, merupakan perangkat output yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan hasil kerja komputer.
Selain hardware komputer yang umum, juga diperlukan beberapa hardware tambahan sehingga memungkinkan mengakses internet melalui komputer. Berikut ini beberapa hardware yang diperlukan :
a.       Modem
Modem terdiri dari modem internal dan eksternal. Alat ini digunakan untuk mentransmisikan data dalam bentuk gelombang elektromagnetik dari satu komputer ke komputer llain atau alat untuk mengubah sinyal analog menjadi digital dan sebaliknya.
b.      Kabel UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) dan STP (Shielded Twisted Pair).
c.       Konektor RJ 45 digunakan sebagai penghubung kabel UTP.
d.      Kabel koaksial, digunakan sebagai peredam sinyal agar tidak membalikkan dan mengganggu sinyal aslinya.
e.       Wireless Adapter, digunakan sebagai pengendali periferal yang terpasang tanpa menggunakan kabel. Biasanya berbentuk card atau board yang berisi rangkaian elektronika.
f.       Switching, digunakan untuk menghubungkan jalur komunikasi data dari setiap segmen jaringan ke jaringan tertentu.
g.      Router, digunakan untuk memilih jaringan tujuan dan meneruskan pengiriman paket data pada jaringan khusus. Perbedaan router dibandingkan modem, router hanya digunakan dalam server jaringan router dan modem merupakan kesatuan pada server jaringan.
h.      Ethernet Card (LAN Card), digunakan sebagai kartu antar muka jaringan untuk transmisi data antar komputer yang terkoneksi. Ethernet card disebut juga dengan Network Interface Card (NIC). NIC tersebut disebut juga Combo Adapter. Ethernet card yang terdapat dipasaran saat ini adalah Interface UTP dan BNC yang disebut Network Card Combo.
Jenis-jenis ethernet card antara lain :
1.      Ethernet (10 bps)
2.      Fast ethernet (100 bps)
3.      Gigabit ethernet (1000 bps)
2.      Perangkat Lunak (Software)
Kebutuhan software sangat ditentukan oleh kebutuhan hardware yang digunakan. Beberapa jenis dan versi software yang bisa digunakan antara lain sebagai beerikut :
a.       Sistem Operasi digunakan untuk mengendalikan atau mengoperasikan kerja komputer, diantaranya windows 95, windows 98, windows 2000, windows ME, windows XP, windows Vista, Linux, Unix, DOS, windows 7, dll.
b.      Sistem Aplikasi digunakan untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan tertentu, diantarannya microsoft Word, microsoft Excel, microsoft Power Point, Photoshop, Photoscape, dll.
c.       Sistem Utility digunakan untuk menunjang kerja komputer, diantaranya Smadav, Norton, AVG, ANSAV, Avira, dll
d.      Web Browser adalah suatu program atau software yang digunakan untuk menjelajahi internet, diantaranya Netspace Navigator, Neoplanet, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Flock, Google Chrome, dll.
e.       FTP (File Transfer Protocol), diantaranya WSFTP, Godzilla, dll
3.      Saluran Telepon
Selain menggunakan komputer, internet juga dapat diakses melalui saluran TV kabel, Gelombang radio, Handphone, Satelit.

Fasilitas-fasilitas dalam Internet
  • Ø  World Wide Web (WWW)

WWW atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Web, bekerja menggunakan teknologi yang disebut HYPERTEXT, yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi suatu protokol aplikasi yang disebut HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). Dengan adanya fasilitas ini menjadikan Web sebagai salah satu aplikasi yang paling luwes untuk menjelajahi internet.
  • Ø  E-Mail (Electronic Mail)

E-mail digunakan untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan orang sebagai surat elektronik yang dapat menjangkau keseluruh dunia. Perbedaan E-mail dengan surat adalah E-mail memiliki waktu pengiriman yang sangat cepat.E-mail, diantaranya Internet Mail, Out Look Express, Netspace Mail, Yahoo Mail, Google Mail, dll.
  • Ø  Mailing List

Merupakan fasilitas untuk berdiskusi secara elektronik dengan menggunakan fasilitas e-mail.
  • Ø  Chatting

Merupakan fasilitas untuk berkomunikasi antar sesama pengguna internet dengan menggunakan fasilitas media tulis secara online dan realtime.Chatting, diantaranya mIRC, ICQ, Yahoo messenger (YM), MSN, dll.
  • Ø  Jejaring Sosial

Merupakan fasilitas untuk berkomunikasi di dunia maya dengan orang-orang tanpa terbatas wilayah maupun jarak. Saat ini sangat banyak sekali berbagai macam jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Koprol, Plurk, MySpace, dll.

Referensi  blog : http://contohmakalah4.blogspot.com/2011/08/pengenalan-internet.html

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Perbedaan Internet&Intranet

Internet adalah hubungan satu komputer ke komputer lain yang membentuk sebuah sistem jaringan komputer secara global melalui jalur telekomunikasi seperti jaringan telepon. Dalam mengatur integrasi dan komunikasi jaringan komputer ini digunakan protokol yaitu TCP/IP yang bertugas memastikan semua hubungan bekerja dengan benar, sedangkan Internet Protocol yang mentransmisikan data dari satu komputer ke komputer lain. Untuk dapat menggunakan fasilitas Internet maka Anda harus berlangganan ke salah satu Internet Service Provider. Dengan memanfaatkan internet, pemakaian komputer di seluruh dunia dimungkinkan untuk saling berkomunikasi.

 Intranet adalah sebuah jaringan komputer berbasis protokol TCP/IP seperti internet hanya saja digunakan dalam internal. Seperti halnya jaringan intranet di perusahaan, kantor, bahkan warnet. Sebuah Intranet tidak harus memiliki sambungan luar ke Internet untuk berfungsi secara benar. Sebuah intranet dapat dipahami sebagai sebuah "versi pribadi dari jaringan Internet", atau sebagai sebuah versi dari Internet yang dimiliki oleh pribadi atau organisasi.

Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Benito Mussolini

                             Born in 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy, Benito Mussolini was an ardent socialist as a youth, following in his father's political footsteps, but was expelled by the party for his support of World War I. In 1919, he created the Fascist Party, eventually making himself dictator and holding all the power in Italy. He overextended his forces during World War II and was eventually killed by his own people, on April 28, 1945, in Mezzegra, Italy.

Early Life

Born on July 29, 1883, in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the eldest of three children. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and animpassioned socialist who spent much of his time on politics and much of his money on his mistress. His mother, Rosa (Maltoni), was a devout Catholic schoolteacher who provided the family with some stability and income.
As a youth, Benito Mussolini showed much intelligence, but was boisterous and disobedient. His father instilled in him a passion for socialist politics and a defiance against authority. Though he was expelled from several schools for bullying and defying school authorities, he eventually obtained a teaching certificate in 1901 and, for a brief time, worked as a schoolmaster.

Impassioned Socialist

In 1902, Benito Mussolini moved to Switzerland to promote socialism, and quickly gained a reputation for his magnetism and remarkable rhetorical talents. While engaging in political demonstrations, he caught the attention of Swiss authorities and was eventually expelled from the country. In 1904, Mussolini returned to Italy and continued promoting a socialist agenda. He was briefly imprisoned and, upon release, became editor of the organization's newspaper, Avanti (meaning "Forward"), which gave him a larger megaphone and expanded his influence.

The Break with Socialism and Rise to Power

Mussolini initially condemned Italy's entry into World War I, but soon saw the war as an opportunity for his country to become a great power. His change in attitude broke ties with fellow socialists, however, and he was expelled from the organization. He joined the Italian army in 1915 and fought on the front lines, reaching the rank of corporal before being wounded and discharged from the military.
After the war, Mussolini resumed his political activities, criticizing the Italian government for weakness at the Treaty of Versailles. He organized several right-wing groups into a single force and, in March 1919, formed the Fascist Party—the movement proclaimed opposition to social class discrimination and supported nationalist sentiments, hoping to raise Italy to levels of its great Roman past.
Capitalizing on public discontent, Mussolini organized a para-military unit known as the "Black Shirts," who terrorized political opponents and helped increase Fascist influence. By 1922, as Italy slipped into political chaos, Mussolini declared that only he could restore order and was given the authority. He gradually dismantled all democratic institutions, and by 1929, had made himself dictator, taking the title "Il Duce" ("the Leader"). To his credit, Mussolini carried out an extensive public works program and reduced unemployment, making him very popular with the people.

Military Exploits

In 1935, determined to show the strength of his regime, Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. The ill-equipped Ethiopians were no match for Italy's modern tanks and airplanes, and the capital, Addis Ababa, was quickly captured. Mussolini incorporated Ethiopia into the new Italian Empire. In 1939, he sent support to Fascists in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, hoping to expand his influence.
Impressed with Italy's early military successes,                                 German dictator Adolf Hitler sought to establish a relationship with Benito Mussolini; he was flattered by Hitler's overtures and interpreted the recent diplomatic and military victories as proof of his genius. By 1939, the two countries had signed a military alliance known as the "Pact of Steel." Influenced by Hitler, Mussolini instituted discrimination policies against the Jews in Italy. In 1940, Italy invaded Greece with some initial success.
With Italy's resources stretched to capacity, many Italians believed the alliance with Germany would provide time to regroup. But Hitler's invasion of Poland and declaration of war with Britain and France forced Italy into war, and exposed weaknesses in its military. Greece and North Africa soon fell, and only German military intervention in early 1941 saved Mussolini from a military coup.

Italy's Defeat and Mussolini's Demise

In 1942, at the Casablanca Conference, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt devised a plan to take Italy out of the war and force Germany to move its troops to the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union. Allied forces secured a beachhead in Sicily and began marching up the Italian peninsula. With pressure mounting, Mussolini was forced to resign and arrested; German commandos later rescued him. Mussolini then moved his government to northern Italy, hoping to regain his influence. On June 4, 1944, Rome was liberated by Allied forces, who marched on to take control of Italy.
Mussolini and his mistress, Claretta Petacci, attempted to escape to Switzerland, but were captured by the Italian underground on April 27, 1945. They were executed the following day, on April 28, 1945, in Mezzegra (near Dongo), Italy, and their bodies were hung on display in a Milan plaza. The Italian masses greeted Mussolini's death without regret. Mussolini had promised his people Roman glory, but his megalomania had overcome his common sense, bringing them only war and misery.

Winston Churcil

Winston Churchill's life was a trajectory of events leading to his stand against AdolphHitler's threat to control Europe. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Churchill helped lead a successful Allied strategy with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and General SecretaryJoseph Stalin during WWII to defeat the Axis powers and craft post-war peace. After the breakdown of the alliance,                            

Early Life

Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was born to an aristocratic family on November 30, 1874. As his life unfolded, he displayed the traits of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, a British statesman from an established English family, and his mother, Jeannie Jerome, an independent-minded New York socialite. As a young child, Churchill grew up in Dublin, Ireland, where his father was employed by his grandfather, the 7th Duke of Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill. When he entered formal school, Churchill proved to be an independent and rebellious student. He did poorly at his first two schools and in April, 1888, he was sent to Harrow School, a boarding school near London. Within weeks of his enrollment, he joined the Harrow Rifle Corps, which put him on a path to a military career.
At first it didn't seem the military was a good choice for Churchill. It took him three tries to pass the exam for the British Royal Military College. However, once there, he did well and graduated 20th in his class of 130. Up to this time, his relationship with both his mother and father was distant, though he adored them both. While at school, Churchill wrote emotional letters to this mother, begging her to come see him, but she seldom came. His father died when he was 21, and it was said that Churchill knew him more by reputation than by any close relationship they shared.
Churchill enjoyed a brief but eventful career in the British army at a zenith of British military power. He joined the Fourth Hussars in 1895 and served in the Indian northwest frontier and the Sudan, where he saw action in the Battle of Omdurman in 1898. While in the army, he wrote military reports for newspapers The Pioneer and the Daily Telegraph, and two books on his experiences, The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and The River War (1899).
In 1899, Churchill left the army and worked as a war correspondent for the Morning Post, a conservative daily newspaper. While reporting on the Boer War in South Africa, he was taken prisoner by the Boers while on a scouting expedition. He made headlines when he escaped, traveling almost 300 miles to Portuguese territory in Mozambique. Upon his return to Britain, he wrote about his experiences in the book London to Ladysmith (1900).

Early Careers: Government and Military

In 1900, Churchill became a Member of Parliament in the Conservative Party for Oldham, a town in Manchester. Following his father into politics, he also followed his father's sense of independence, becoming a supporter of social reform.

Unconvinced that the Conservative Party was committed to social justice, Churchill switched to the Liberal Party in 1904. He was elected a Member of Parliament in 1908, and was appointed to the Prime Minister's Cabinet as President of the Board of Trade. That same year, he married Clementine Ogilvy Hozier, after a short courtship.

As president of the Board of Trade, he joined newly appointed Chancellor Lloyd George in opposing the expansion of the British Navy. Also in 1908,                                   he introduced several reforms for the prison system, introduced the first minimum wage, and helped set up labor exchanges for the unemployed and unemployment insurance. Churchill assisted in the passing of the People's Budget, which introduced new taxes on the wealthy to pay for new social welfare programs. The budget passed the House of Commons in 1909, but was initially defeated in the House of Lords, before being passed in 1910. He also drafted a controversial piece of legislation to amend the Mental Deficiency Act of 1913, mandating sterilization of the feeble-minded. The bill eventually passed both Houses with only the remedy of confinement in institutions.

In January 1911, Churchill showed his tougher side when he made a controversial visit to a police siege in London. Police had surrounded a house where two robbers had been caught. Churchill's degree of participation is still in some dispute. Some accounts have him going to the scene only to see for himself what was going on; others state that he allegedly gave directions to police on how to best storm the building. What is known is that the house caught fire during the siege and Churchill prevented the fire brigade from extinguishing the flames, stating that he thought it better to "let the house burn down," rather than risk lives rescuing the occupants. The bodies of the two robbers were found inside the charred ruins.

While serving as First Lord of the Admiralty since 1911, Churchill helped modernize the British Navy, ordering that new warships be built with oil-fired instead of coal-fired engines. He was one of the first to promote military aircraft and set up the Royal Navy Air Service. So enthusiastic was he about aviation that he took flying lessons to understand firsthand its military potential. Though not directly involved in the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli, Churchill resigned his post because he felt responsible for proposing the expedition. For a brief period, he rejoined the British Arm,y commanding a battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers on the Western Front and seeing action in "no man's land." In 1917, he was appointed Minister of Munitions for the final year of the war, overseeing the production of tanks, airplanes and munitions.

From 1919 to 1922, Churchill served as Minister of War and Air and Colonial Secretary under Prime Minister David Lloyd George. As Colonial Secretary, Churchill was embroiled in another controversy when he ordered air power be used on rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq, a British holding.

At one point, he suggested that poisonous gas be used to put down the rebellion. This proposal was considered but never enacted, though the conventional bombing campaign was and failed to end the resistance.

Fractures in the Liberal Party led to the defeat of Churchill as a Member of Parliament in 1922, and he rejoined the Conservative Party. He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer, returning Britain to the gold standard,                                   and took a hard line against a general labor strike that threatened to cripple the British economy. With the defeat of the Conservative government in 1929, Churchill was out of government. He was perceived as a right-wing extremist, who was out of touch with the people. He spent the next few years concentrating on his writing and published History of English Speaking Peoples.

World War II

Though not at first seeing the threat that Adolph Hitler posed when he rose to power in 1933, Churchill gradually became a leading advocate for British rearmament. By 1938, as Germany began controlling its neighbors, Churchill had become a staunch critic of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward the Nazis. On September 3, 1939, the day that Britain declared war on Germany, Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and a member of the War Cabinet, and by April, 1940, he became chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee. Later that month, Germany invaded and occupied Norway, which was a setback for Neville Chamberlain, who had resisted Churchill's proposal that Britain pre-empt German aggression by unilaterally occupying vital Norwegian iron mines and sea ports. In May, debate in Parliament on the Norwegian crisis led to a vote of no confidence toward Prime Minister Chamberlain. On May 10, King George VI appointed Churchill as prime minister and Minister of Defense. Within hours, the German Army began its Western Offensive, invading the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Two days later, German forces entered France. Britain stood alone against the onslaught.

Quickly, Churchill formed a coalition cabinet of leaders from the Labor, Liberal and Conservative parties. He placed intelligent and talented men in key positions. On June 18, 1940, Churchill made one of his iconic speeches to the House of Commons, warning that "the Battle of Britain" was about to begin. Churchill kept resistance to Nazi dominance alive, and created the foundation for an alliance with the United States and the Soviet Union. Churchill had previously cultivated a relationship with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s, and by March 1941, was able to secure vital U.S. aid through the Lend Lease Act, which allowed Britain to order war goods from the United States on credit.

After the United States entered World War II, in December 1941, Churchill was confident that the Allies would eventually win the war. In the months that followed, Churchill worked closely with U.S. President Roosevelt and Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin to forge an Allied war strategy and post-war world.

In meetings in Teheran (1943), Yalta (February 1945) and Potsdam (July 1945), Churchill collaborated with the two leaders to develop a united strategy against the Axis Powers, and helped craft the post-war world with the United Nations as its centerpiece. As the war wound down, Churchill proposed plans for social reforms in Britain, but was unable to convince the public. Perhaps seeing him only as a "war-time prime minister,                               

 During the next six years, Churchill became the Leader of the Opposition Party and continued to have an impact on world affairs. In March 1946, while on a visit to the United States, he made his famous "Iron Curtain" speech, warning of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe. He also advocated that Britain remain independent from European coalitions and maintain its independence.

After the general election of 1951, Churchill returned to government. He was appointed Minister of Defense between October 1951 and January 1952, and became prime minister in October 1951. In 1953, Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. He introduced various reforms such as the Mines and Quarries Act of 1954, improving working conditions in mines, and the Housing Repairs and Rent Act of 1955, establishing standards for housing. These domestic reforms were overshadowed by a series of foreign policy crises in the colonies of Kenya and Malaya, where Churchill ordered direct military action. While successful in putting down the rebellions, it became clear that Britain was no longer able to sustain its colonial rule.

Later Years and Death

Churchill had shown signs of fragile health as early as 1941, while visiting the White House. At that time, he suffered a mild heart attack and, in 1943, he had a similar attack while battling a bout of pneumonia. In June 1953, at age 78, he suffered from a series of strokes at his office, located at 10 Downing Street. The news was kept from the public and Parliament, with the official announcement stating that he had suffered from exhaustion. He recuperated at home, and returned to his work as prime minister in October. However, it was apparent even to him that he was physically and mentally slowing down. Churchill retired as prime minister in 1955. He remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek re-election.
There was speculation that Churchill suffered from Alzheimer's disease in his last years, but many medical experts feel that his reduced mental capacity was more a result of the strokes he had suffered. Despite his poor health, Churchill was able to remain active in public life, albeit mostly from the comfort of his homes in Kent and Hyde Park Gate, in London.
On January 15, 1965, Churchill suffered a severe stroke that left him gravely ill. He died at his London home nine days later, at age 90, on January 24, 1965. Britain mourned for more than a week.


Japanese Emperor Hirohito was born on April 29, 1901, in Tokyo, Japan. Installed as the crown prince at age 15, he was Japan's longest-reigning monarch, ruling from 1926 to 1989. During World War II, he led Japan's military and the country's surrender to the Allied Forces in 1945. After the war, the new constitution drafted by the United States transformed Japan into a constitutional monarchy so that sovereignty lay with the people instead of the emperor. Hirohito died in Tokyo on January 7,


Early Life

Japan's longest-reigning monarch, Emperor Hirohito, was born Michinomiya Hirohito on April 29, 1901, in the Ayoma Palace in Tokyo, Japan, the first son of Crown Prince Yoshihito (later Emperor Taisho) and Princess Sadako (later Empress Teimei). As a child, Hirohito was separated from his parents, as was custom, and given an imperial education at the Gakushuin School (also known as the Peers School). He later attended a special institute for the crown prince, which conditioned him to become emperor, and was formally given the title of crown prince on November 2, 1916. Not long after, in 1921, he became the first crown prince of Japan to travel abroad and study.
In November 1921, shortly after his return to Japan, Hirohito was appointed acting ruler of Japan due to his father's failing health. On January 26, 1924, he married Princess Nagako (later Empress Nagako), a distant cousin of royal blood. The couple would eventually have seven children.

Japanes Emperor

On December 25, 1926, following the death of his father, Hirohito succeeded him as emperor, taking the 124th Chrysanthemum Throne. He was given the title "Showa" ("Enlightened Peace"), and was formally known as Showa Tenno.
Shortly after Hirohito's induction as emperor, Japan found itself in a state of unrest. While his reign saw an incredible amount of political turmoil, he remained a gentle man with little influence over the military and it's politics. Soon, the military began to revolt, resulting in the assassination of many public officials, including Prime Minister Tsuyoshi Inukai.
Hirohito was a reluctant supporter of the occupation of Manchuria, which led to the second Sino-Japanese War. Japan's military susbequently became more aggressive and implemented policies reflecting that stance, which eventually led to Japan's involvement in World War II, beginning with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hirohito was said to be unenthusiastic about Japan's involvement in WWII, but was often pictured in military uniforms to show his support.
In September 1945, following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hirohito broke the precedent of imperial silence and announced Japan's unconditional surrender to the Allied Forces. Japan lost 2.3 million soldiers and an estimated 800,000 civilians in WWII, and General Douglas MacArthur, chief of the U.S. Army, was sent to Japan to oversee the country's rehabilitation. Japan found itself occupied by the United States, who introduced the country to democratic reforms.

While many wanted Hirohito to be tried as a war criminal, MacArthur made a bargain with the emperor that included the implementation of a new Japanese constitution and the denouncement of imperial "divinity." Thusly, Hirohito became Japan's first democrat. By playing this role, the emperor was finally able to lead his country into political and financial stability.


Final Years

Until his death, Hirohito remained an active figure in Japan, even after his divinity was revoked. He acted as head of state and played an import role in rebuilding Japan's image to the rest of the world. He also focused on his love of marine biology, a subject on which he wrote several books.
On January 7, 1989, Hirohito died of cancer at the place of his birth: Tokyo's Ayoma Palace.


History of Super Semar

History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March )
Posted by Aris Fourtofour on Sunday, March 10, 2013

History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March ) - The New Order is a period marked by the release of March 11, 1966 Order ( Supersemar ) by President Sukarno addressed to Lieutenant . Suharto, who was then serving as the Chief Minister and the Commander of the Army for the Restoration of Security and Order ( Commander ) .

Supersemar itself out because of the presence of triggered events that killed G30S/PKI Indonesian generals . As a result of these events , the reaction appears people through mass demonstrations against the PKI . Until January 12, 1966 appearing three demands of the people commonly called Tritura contents : disband the PKI , lower prices , and clean the cabinet of G30S/PKI . President Sukarno was the title Nawaksara speech . Speech containing 9 critical points are neither offensive PKI .
History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March )
History of Birth Supersemar ( Order of March )
On March 10, 1966 , President Sukarno met Jaya Regional Commander V , Amir Mahmud to inquire about securing a plenary session to be held on 11
March 1966 . Amir Mahmud also promises good condition . However , on the day of the plenary session there is an attack from outside the building that is commonly called the student army troops Wild . At the trial, all participants are present except Suharto . At a speech in the assembly, President Sukarno got the memo containing the SOS that the palace was surrounded. Finally, President Sukarno and Kol . Sobur as well as a more immediately went to Bogor by helicopter . Three other generals ( Amir Mahmud , Basuki Rahmat , and M. Joseph ) who feel the need to secure the president soon after but they have to ask their permission to the leadership at that time , namely Suharto . He let them on the condition if it is to be secured , should adasurat statement . 3 Finally, the generals were to meet President Soekarno and make a statement on the way back to Jakarta in the car on the night . Once read , it turns out the letter containing the handover of power .

After the emergence of Supersemar , in Indonesia there dualism leadership means there are 2 leaders in the country .

Until February 20, 1967 , President Sukarno was forced to hand over power formally to Soeharto 's resignation memo as president of Indonesia . The memo is then used as the legal basis the Assembly special session (7-12 March 1967 ) . The trial resulted in the MPRS Decree No. . XXXIII/MPRS/1967 whose content retraction of President Sukarno's power over all state and government power lifting bearers Supersemar as president . Basic appointment as carrier Supersemar Suharto was the result of the public hearing , the MPRS Decree No. . IX/MPRS/1966 .

Finally, on March 12, 1967 , Suharto was sworn and sworn in as Acting President of the Republic of Indonesia . With the inauguration , it was officially a change of government from the Old Order ( Guided Democracy ) to the new government ( the New Order )

perbedaan vector dengan bitmap

Perbedaan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Vektor dan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Bitmap Posted by dika euphrosyneJumat, 01 November 2013 56 komentar Perbedaan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Vektor dan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Bitmap - Jika kita berbicara masalah gambar, makan akan terbayang dalam pikiran kita suatu tiruan barang (manusia, binatang, tumbuhan, dll) yang dibuat dengan berbagai cara. Yang namanya gambar seakan tidak pernah lepas dari kehidupan kita, karena gambar sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Perbedaan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Vektor dan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Bitmap Gambar dari Google Bagaimana dengan gambar berbasis komputer, bukan lagi berbasis seni di atas kertas, tetapi seni dalam suatu software atau perangkat lunak aplikasi grafis yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan karya desain, merekayasa, mengorganisir gambar berbasis komputer. Silahkan anda baca dan pahami artikel saya tentang Perbedaan Gambar Berbasis Vektor dan Gambar Grafis Berbasis Bitmap, dan saya jelaskan juga beberapa format file untuk menyimpan dokumen : 1. Gambar Grafis Berbasis Vektor Grafis berbasis vektor adalah gambar yang tersusun atas pola garis dan bentuk geometris (kurva). Biasanya gambar berbasis vektor bersifat resolution independent. Secara garis besar dapat diartikan kualitas gambar tetap baik tanpa bergantung dengan resolusinya. File gambar berbasis vektor antara lain berekstensi EPS (Encapsulated Post Script) dan CGM (Computer Graphic Metafile). Gambar Grafis Berbasis Vektor Gambar dari Google #Kelebihan tipe gambar grafik vektor : Grafik dengan tipe vektor merupakan gambar yang dibentuk okeh objek berupa garis dan kurva. Kualitas hasil gambar dari tipe vektor tidak bergantung pada resolusi gambar. Untuk menyimpan file tipe vektor hanya memerlukan rang pentimpanan yang relatif kecil. Format penyimpanan file pada umumnya, seperti*.eps, dan *.wmf. Pilihan gambar grafik yang paling tepat untuk mengolah/membuat gambar logo atau gambar setting percetakan. 2. Gambar Grafis Berbasis Bitmap Grafis berbasis bitmap adalah gambar yang tersusun atas pola titik (dot) yang disebut Picture Elements (Pixel). Biasanya gambar berbasis bitmap bersifat resolution depedent. Secara garis besar dapat diartikan kualitas gambar berbasis bitmap antara lain berekstensi JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PCX, dan PNG. #Kelebihan tipe gambar grafik bitmap : Gambar Grafis Berbasis Bitmap Gambar dari Google Tipe gambar grafik bitmap lebih dikenal dengan istilah Raster, yaitu tipe grafik bitmap yang menggunakan titik berwarna yang dikenal dengan Pixek (Picture Element) Tipe gambar grafis bitmap sangat baik untuk gambar /pencitraan dengan banyak warna, karena tipe grafik bitmap mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengalokasikan pixel-pixel. Tipe grafik bitmap sangat baik untuk tipe grafik yang terdiri atas banyak warna dan memerlukan ketajaman resolusi gambar. Kapasitas file lebih besar dari pada kapasitas file grafik vektkor. Tipe ini sangat bergantung kepada resolusi warna foto atau gambar. Format penyimpanan file umumnya, seperti *.jpg, *. jpeg, *.bmp, *.tif, *.tiff, dan *.png. Pilihan yang tepat untuk mengolah gambar dalam bentuk foto yang memerlukan ketajaman warna. 3. Perbandingan Gambar Grafik Vektor dan Bitmap Vektor : Terdiri atas kurva dan garis Bitmap :Terdiri atas kumpulan pixel-pixel dengan warna tertentu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vektor : Tidak bergantung pada resolusi (Resolution Independent). Btimap : Bergantung pada resolusi (Resolution Dependent). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vektor : Membutuhkan kapasits penyimpanan file yang kecil. Bitmap : Membutuhkan kapasitas penyimpanan file yang besar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vektor : Sangat cocok untuk gambar yang terdiri atas sedikit warna dan gambar sederhana. Bitmap : Sangat cocok untuk gambar dengan banyak warna. # Beberapa Format File Untuk Menyimpan Dokumen BMP (Bitmap Image) merupakan format grafis yang dapat dibaca oleh program grafis manapun. Format ini mampu menyimpan informasi dengan kualitas tingkat 1 bit sampai 24 bit. EPS (Encapsuled Postcript) merupakan format yang sering digunakan untuk kerperluan pertukaran dokument antarprogram grafis dak ketika ingin mencetak gambar. JPG atau JPEG (Join Photographic Expert Group) mampu mengkompres objek dengan tingkat kuallitas sesuai dengan pilihan yang disediakan. Format dile sering dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan gambar yang akan digunakan untuk keperluan halaman web, multimedia, dan publikasi elektronik dan lainnya. GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) hanya mampu menyimpan dalam 8 bit (hanya mendukung mode warna Grayscale, Bitmap, dan Indexed Color). Fomat file ini merupakan format standar untuk publikasi elektronik dan internet. TIF (Tagged Image File)mampu menyimpan gambar dengan kapasitas hingga 32bit. Format file ini juga dapat digunakan untuk keperluan pertukaran antar platform (PC, Machintosh, dan Silicon Graphic). PNG (Portabel Network Graphic) berfungsi sebagai alternatif lain dari format GIF - See more at: http://dikaeuphrosyne.blogspot.com/2013/11/perbedaan-gambar-grafis-berbasis-vektor.html#sthash.P9uCUdeN.dpuf